Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stef- you'll do fine! just make sure you keep a to-do list posted somewhere you can't ignore it (I keep mine on my mirror) or write down what's due in the next 2 weeks... I was in the same boat with not losing weight... as julianne says "it's biochemistry"- when you are stressed you don't lose weight. so relax! :)

I have been doing great on keeping up with running... I'm amazed with myself! Sad isn't it? After I run I always do 3 sets of 10 pushups, full on sit ups, and lower abs. I'm down to 160 and I feel more secure in my body... I can't wait to see how it feels when I shed off 20 more pounds! I like the whole monthly goal of 5. If I focus on short term, I do so much better. It's like when I run... if I round that one corner I'm that much closer to being done, not OMG I HAVE HOW MANY MORE MILES!!!

As I said before (I don't really know if you read my posts, they keep me sane so I just write and write) running/working out helps me keep sane. I love the feel of pushing myself that extra bit. I don't know why though, but everything is starting to irritate me. I think I just need a nice relaxing day of shopping or maybe go get a massage.

Let's get the half info asap b/c a lot of the prices jump at the end of the month!! Plus I need to get a plane ticket!

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