Sunday, January 31, 2010

Since everyone else wrote, I guess I will too

But don't worry, I won't jump off a bridge just because everyone else is... Here's my update:

I didn't run my 6 mile run I was supposed to this weekend.
I have clocked in quality time with all of my friends.
I don't like the OB floor and can't wait for it to be over. (Even the babies don't make up for it)
Last night was fun because 1) I was able to get drunk and still sober up to drive home. 2) Some random guy hit on me and I felt hot even after working a 12 hr day. 3) My friends are crazy fun.
I can't wait to be done with school.
I am so happy I don't have a boy to worry about. Most of my friends are fighting with their boyfriends and I am so over it. (This statement doesn't include either of you, by the way.)
I am going to try to run the 6 miles tomorrow (Monday) because it should be warmer.

I'll tell you how 6 miles go if it doesn't kill me.


If you're behind..

then I feel like I haven't even started. I have gotten up to 4 miles, but I haven't tried anything more. Monday and Wednesdays are hard for me- I go from lacrosse practice (which is almost a weird mid/long distance) for an hour and a half to a full on basketball game. I don't know whether I should try to fit in the machines for 20 min or so or just be satisfied with the two sports. The bad thing is that they are never consistent in how much running/working out but they are over such a long period of time I can't really fit in a long workout.... ugh! Confusing! Even worse than boys.

School is getting rough, I think its just that I still not sure if I like this whole engineering thing- plus I miss home a lot more this year. I am working about 15 hour weeks, which isn't bad at all. I just need to get better about managing time- and not partying as much. It kinda makes me even more stressed when I waste time recovering.

Anyway- the books are calling my name. I must go!!! Much Love from Colorado.

PS - Rikki- we can figure something out. I love you


If you can't tell, yes I'm a bit behind schedule, but not by much. The 5 miles was rough yesterday in the frigid weather. It was a whopping 35 degree outside. When we were finished, my mouth was so cold it froze and I couldn't even talk! Fun, let me tell ya. But...

I think I've created a monster. Keith is all about the 1/2. Ask me how I know...He just bought new shoes, he times all his runs, he runs even when I can't make it, he wants every mile under a 10 minute mile. Mind you, this is after I all but begged him to be a running partner! So guess what our time was for the 5 miles in the cold was - 47 mins and some seconds...yeah that's right. We are sitting at about a 9.5 min mile. Not too bad if I say so myself.

As for my love life...who knows whats going on. We are together a lot, but not all the time. Which I think is a great thing! No pressure there. But, we are still very nonchalant in front of NO physical contact at all. That's kind of worrisome, right? On the flip side, he is still very attentive. If I "Mister" from across the room, he's like "Yes?". Who the heck knows!?

And specifically to Cameron - we ARE coming up to CO on Feb. 19th, however, there are now a total of 4 (including Keith and me). Not real sure now what we are doing for sleeping arrangements. It has been brought up that we may stay somewhere close to the mountain...that being said, as things become more concrete I will keep you posted. And that being said, even if we don't stay with you, we will hang out with you dammit! This was my brain child - NOT Keith's!

As always, I'm proud of you girls, keep up the hard work! Much love from Lufkin "stinkin" Texas.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's a bit chilly today(its snowing!)

I love running outside, nothing beats it. I don't understand how people just stick to the treadmill. I hate almost everything about it- the sound, the staying in one place, the list goes on and on...

Since bball isn't year round (for IM) and rugby sucks... I decided to take up lacrosse. Yup, I am going to run around in skirts with wire goggles and throw a ball around. :) But it's totally amazing! It's almost like basketball with sticks and a much smaller ball. Yesterday was my first day and I hate to brag but.... I was surprised with myself. Plus you have to be able to run a whole whole lot. So its nice conditioning. On Monday and Wednesdays I have lacrosse from 4:30 to 6:30 and a basketball game sometime between 7 PM and 9 PM. Its brutal but its still fun!

I'm working on everything up here... I have a canker sore on the bottom of my gums, Matt thinks its because of emotional stress... He might actually be right about this. I think if this whole roommate situation doesn't improve I'm going to ask her to leave. I don't think I've ever hated someone as much as I do her... She's a bitch.

I love you mucho!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Learn something new? everyday

So I decided to get in a little road-work in verses the treadmill...and it was hard!! I'm so used to the air conditioned, self propelled black piece of plastic I actually enjoyed the fresh (okay, smoggy) outside air, new scenery, and challenge of keeping up my own pace. There were a couple of other people running (much faster than I was) that were very helpful in pushing me. And now that the PMS is pretty much gone, I feel much more optimistic about Spring Break.

Thanks for everything sisters :) I wouldn't be able to do half the things I've done if it wasn't for you. Love!
Stef- you'll do fine! just make sure you keep a to-do list posted somewhere you can't ignore it (I keep mine on my mirror) or write down what's due in the next 2 weeks... I was in the same boat with not losing weight... as julianne says "it's biochemistry"- when you are stressed you don't lose weight. so relax! :)

I have been doing great on keeping up with running... I'm amazed with myself! Sad isn't it? After I run I always do 3 sets of 10 pushups, full on sit ups, and lower abs. I'm down to 160 and I feel more secure in my body... I can't wait to see how it feels when I shed off 20 more pounds! I like the whole monthly goal of 5. If I focus on short term, I do so much better. It's like when I run... if I round that one corner I'm that much closer to being done, not OMG I HAVE HOW MANY MORE MILES!!!

As I said before (I don't really know if you read my posts, they keep me sane so I just write and write) running/working out helps me keep sane. I love the feel of pushing myself that extra bit. I don't know why though, but everything is starting to irritate me. I think I just need a nice relaxing day of shopping or maybe go get a massage.

Let's get the half info asap b/c a lot of the prices jump at the end of the month!! Plus I need to get a plane ticket!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday's the new Saturday?

Yes, in my very mixed up world, it is. And although I'm still having trouble getting used to it, I found a very good perk: Rear 'n Gear. It's one of the classes I picked out that the gym offers and I love it! The chick that teaches it has probably the hottest body I've ever seen on a 5'2" chick. She has muscles and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of and perfectly proportionate, but still looks like a girl (i.e. soft and not body-builder looking) and is anything but anorexic. Another plus is that she doesn't do the whole Denise Austin-style motivation thing. It's actually worth getting up and being there at 8 am. We do 30 mins on the bike and then 30 stability type circuits, perfect for a between running day workout.

I also just want to say how much I appreciate the constant/consistent phone calls. Things have been a little rough lately as I try to figure out the new semester. The pressure is really mounting and I'm hoping to get better grades this semester. The big problem is that most of the classes I have are once a week and the work is really all about how we manage our time. (One of those "here's some stuff that's due in a month, and it's impossible to do it all in one weekend, so you better not forget about it" type things.) Not my strong suite would be an understatement. In addition, dieting this weekend (PMS, anyone?) did not go so well...but I've been really good today. I know being a girl isn't an excuse--which makes it all the more frustrating. I still haven't lost any weight and I'm starting to get a little discouraged. And of course, I'm a little bummed that the Vegas thing is put on hold (I refuse to say canceled because I'm hoping next year?).

Love you both,

Monday, January 25, 2010

I think hell just froze over!

First, Cam has written on the blog like four times in a row! Second, I actually ran the amount I was supposed to today! Third, I've got nothing...

But as for Vegas - I'm starting to agree with Stef. The airfare out that way is lookin kinda steep. Especially since I think Keith and I are going to try to venture to CO in February (about $250 for airfare on that one, Vegas is another $350ish). So new proposal...what about another FUN FILLED WEEKEND IN DALLAS! Ta -Dah! Stef, didn't you say there was a 1/2 going on somewhere up by you? We could crash a Stef's place or get a "cheap" hotel.

Life is going great. Working, working, running, trying to eat healthy and failing, working, beer drinking, working, wine.

That's my life in summation. (Oh, did I mention that I've been stressing about the good ol' love life?) Now, that's my life in summation.

As always, much love from Lufkin "stinkin" Texas!
So working out has been the best stress relief... I can't believe I totally let myself go last semester, I don't see how I made it without a nice jog. The weather has been crappy up here.. it looks nice and sunny but the wind is just a bitch. I ran inside yesterday but our track is only 100m long... by the 48th lap (3 miles) I just couldn't take going in circles again, so I spiced up my workout into pulses (run/jog/run/jog) for the last mile. Today I think I'm going to do 2 miles in the indoor track and 30 minutes on a machine...

As for vegas... I am hoping it all works out. I think Matt might be coming with me (he actually already told his mom about it! *he's learning*) but I would like mom and dad to come too. It just depends. I am holding off planning anything so this takes first priority. I have been wanting to run a half for a good two years so this seems to be it.

As for the stress in my life... School is okay- I'm still up in the air about where I want to go afterwards. I love my econ class already, and I understand what people mean by school can be fun. As for the roommate situation, my house is always empty- which is a total shock compared to hearing the tv 24/7. When its time for her to pay Feb rent we'll talk about "what's next". The boyfriend always says hi and asks about everyone.

That is life summed up.

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
-John Bingham (on running of course!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


So I ran 4 miles for the first time in a long time yesterday! It was amazingly rewarding. So now I'm off to the rec center to see if I can do it again. Today its too windy to run outside... It will go from hot to freezing cold plus the resistance against the wind will suck... but I do love running outside. Its peaceful, our rec plays the worst music ever...

I hope everyone is doing great and as always hugs and kisses from CO. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

PS (so read this after the last post)

I run almost every day (around 2 miles-ish), 30 push ups, 30-60 crunches, and I feel like I watch what I eat, BUT....... I'm obviously not doing a good job if I'm just maintaining and not losing....

Can it really just be calorie intake? Boo

Stupid Reading...

So this semester it seems that I will be reading a whole lot, and today is a "walking on the treadmill while reading about geology" day. But other than that, I need to start pushing myself even more when it comes to running. I can do a two mile stretch easily now, and it's in my comfort zone, but if we are doing the half marathon (which I'm stoked about!) I need to be able to do more than just 2 lousy miles.

Keep up the good work ladies! Just keep in mind that its the end we are working for (and a cute/corny inspirational quote that goes with the theme)

"Top results are reached only through pain. But eventually you like this pain. You'll find the more difficulties you have on the way, the more you will enjoy your success."
- Juha "the Curel Vaatainen

Monday, January 18, 2010


Update: I just ran 3 miles. That is, if you can call it running. Ate pretty darn healthy all day today, if I do say so myself. Which, by the way Pacific Organic's Carrot Ginger Soup = Yummy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Say a little prayer for me...

:) I'm pretty sure that there is nothing that could possibly be more motivating than Vegas. Period. Of course, I am all for it, and just in case we can't make it to NV there is also a half marathon in Dallas on the 14th. That being said...

I cheated tonight. I picked up a pint of ice cream. (But before you lecture!) I've only eaten 1/8 to 1/4 of a cup. Haagen-Dazs reserve caramelized hazelnut gianduja is pure heaven, just in case you were wondering, and I don't even know what gianduja means. Anywho, tonight is my last hurrah and tomorrow begins the official half-marathon training. (God help me.)
I actually think that's a great idea! I'm there. Glad to hear you are still on track. It's my understanding that Stef is too. I'm super proud of you both. I've lost a couple pounds and am feeling pretty good. I need to start really putting in some road work if we want to do the 1/2 marathon. We all need to check our calendars so we can block off that weekend and start training hard Stef...What do you think?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The good, the bad and the ugly...

I think the ugly is Erika's last comment... :)

The bad is I took a two day break and I'm feeling it... So I'm back on track and doing better. But I almost died on my run today, so it was a great lesson. Also, I rearranged my schedule so I no longer have aerobics because there was a conflict, but I get out 3 hours earlier. So I'm hoping it will help me get my workout done sooner, but I will have to keep true to myself.

The good is I'm still on track on the monthly goal, school is going okay, I have a cute hair cut anddd I maybe have found something for us!! Could you check out this race and see what you think. It's the weekend that our breaks overlap and it looks like a "family" run, so not so many hardasses. Also... no hills! woohoo!! :) So yeah, just give me some feedback! VEGAS BABY!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I see a trend...

So Stef - you don't like circuits, Dennis Austin, or Jillians workout tape (b/c it's too easy)...What type of workout do you like?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Biggest Loser

No I did not watch the show, but due to unforeseen circumstances and pure laziness, I did do Cassidy's Biggest Loser work out tape. It was actually pretty good. It was all about circuits for 45 minutes. Did I ever mention how much I despise circuits? It was a full body work out with that Jillian chick. Who, by the way, I actually like. Not once during the video did she say "Smile, you're burning fat!!!!" or "Doesn't that burn feel so good?????" with a smile that made me want to smack her in the face. She actually yells at you telling you to work harder; I found it quite motivating.

Although, I liked it, I'm not sure I would ever buy the tape. It seems that once you get use to the moves or are in a little better shape, it would easily be too easy or too short or a work out. And there are people from the show doing the work out, so no hot bodies to look at or aspire to.

I hope all is going well, and I love you both very much. Thanks for the constant support and motivation. I know I would have quit by now if it wasn't for you.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You should have told her....

... you would bring her a supersized big mac and fries if she let you in early. Then you could tamper it with something like rufalin (or groundies). Last time she would ever cross Stefanie Keese! :) But I'm glad you are working out! Thats amazing... and you.. passive agressive?!?! NAH! Never would have guessed it!!!

I hope everyone's Wednesday went wonderfully! (look at that amazing alliteration) Mine wasn't bad at all... official first day of class. Every class went the whole time as well as homework assigned in one of them... boo. But I'm taking a really cool econ class... the prof said that it was pretty much like a "Corporate Finance" class: we basically look at investing, market basics, and tax related stuff. So something that will actually come in handy in day to day life. The other stuff is lightly boring geology stuff. Tomorrow I have off which will be nice to get everything done that I need to do (get books, clean house, nick knack stuff like that)

Working out is still going great for me. I'm keeping a food journal which helps fill me up when I'm wanting to boredom snack. Its amazing how much you can eat without realizing it! Eek! No wonder I'm in this situation. Today I went and ran 2 miles but on a whole new course... A ginormous hill was involved (5% to 10% grade for a quarter mile). I practically just did two down and backs so I tackled the bitch twice! (okay, I dunno if the last time was more than a shuffle walk... but I made it to the top) Only 3 more pounds I "need" to lose this month, but of course the 5 pounds is only a floor, and definitely not a ceiling!

Off to read an *exciting* chapter about intro to investing... woohoo... much love as always!

Bitchy fat people piss me off

Okay, time to vent. I've been kicking butt, taking names, and nursing some very sore and tiny muscles. So of course, I'm all sorts of excited about my Tuesday night Beginner's Yoga class. Relaxation paired with stability and stretching...just what I needed.

But the Fat Chick that works at the entry desk is a bitch.

Like you know, although my 30-thousand-a-year tuition pays for the gym membership, we have restricted hours (Because Baylor is a gay money grubbing whore). But if the night hours begin at 7, certainly they'll let me in for a 6:45 class, because I won't be taking up room on the floor or machines, right? WRONG

I explained my perfectly thought out argument and smile as sweetly and innocently as I can, because that always works. Okay, so besides that speeding ticket, but really? She tried to come up with some shitty excuse that I refused to listen to because I already knew it was complete crap, and that the real reason she didn't let me in was because she is a mean, hateful, angry person who really just wants to stick gum in other people's hair and move to Australia. Oh yes, she's also jealous of all the hot-bodied people she works with every day. On top of all this, I ask her if I can go into the locker room to use the restroom and stretch. Anyone want to guess the spawn of Satan's fat girlfriend's answer? "Uhh, no." Reeeaaall surprising.

That's right, I forgot I was a completely immoral person! Geeze, I hate when I forget things like that. But because I'm the amazing person I am, I was able to move past this little incident and funnel all of my anger into working out, shooting passive aggressive looks, and ranting to my friends when I got home. :) And now I feel much better!

The cherry on top is that because of the elite gayness of my workout facility, I'll never be able to attend ANY yoga classes because they all occur during my classes or restricted hours. (Just one more reason to gouge out McBitchy's eyes.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trying to keep motivated...

I'm sorry I'm filling this with so many posts. I have found that if I feel the need to blog every-ish day, then I'll keep true every day. Tomorrow is the first day of school finally... I don't know if I'm excited to actually go back but I am excited to get on a regular schedule.

Life is looking up for a couple of reasons... I'm getting my hair done Saturday (pictures will come), I'll be done decorating soon (once again, pictures to come) and I didn't get picked for jury duty!! (woohoo)

As always... I miss yall and love yall!! :P

PS Rikki sounds good... Maybe we can find one in Vegas!! woohoo!!!!! VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!

Spring Break '99! Whoo!

So what if we ran a 1/2 marathon during our common weekend off for Spring Break?! Eh - eh! I can hear you cheering already...yeah, its a great idea. We should find one in the Dallas area and GO FOR IT!

Just got done with my soup, grilled cheese and apple dinner. That followed 45 mins at the gym. I did stair master for a bit, the elliptical and some free weights. Now I'm off to do some work and hit the hay early.

I missing you both. Hope everything is still going well. I'm super excited for both of you...because I know you can do it! Get back with me about the 1/2 marathon thang. That way we can all get on the same workout schedule.

As always - much love from Lufkin "stinkin" Texas!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it summer yet?

School hasn't even started and I'm already looking forward to the next break. My paperwork is finished for in-state tuition, I'm all ready for stupid jury duty tomorrow (yeah.. I actually was within the range that was called) and it seems like Wednesday will be here before I know it.
I've been doing great on running! And doing better on eating... It's hard eating with Matt- I have to learn to eat slower and stop way before him. But he's great with self control when it comes to snacking, so I'm not snacking as much! (woohoo)

I've begun to watch the Biggest Loser- so much for no reality shows... BUT to validate it: it's amazing to see women go from 230+ pounds to running a half marathon. Really inspires me to do better when it comes to self control. (hi from matt...sorry to interrupt...) Great proof to show that nothing is impossible and that it's totally mental. Sure they go to the biggest Fat Camp of all, but only for 10 weeks, and then they are let go. So if they continue to lose weight without trainers it has to be self-motivated...right? Plus there is a lot of hogwash mixed in so I don't actually have to sit there and listen to it all the way.

I miss home so much and I'm going to try and get better at this whole communication thing. Kisses and hugs from Colorado!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

Cam, I know you hate the snow, but at least it's characteristic of CO. This below freezing weather is not my friend right now. Thank goodness for indoor heating and treadmills! Anywho...
Two updates:
1) I've made a kitchen overhall. Fruits, veggies, bran cereal (I'll eat it like dessert if it's the only sweet thing I have), oatmeal, eggs, chicken, tuna, and beans. I've allowed myself 3 snacky/desserty type foods: 100 cal popcorn, vanilla light/fit yogurt, chocolate syrup (which i put with part skim ricotta cheese and try hardest to pretend it's ice cream when I put frozen raspberries in it!) And I have outlawed certain foods: peanut butter, ice cream, cookies/cookie dough, chips....We'll see how this pans out.
2) I've finally decided on resolutions for this year: Go to church at least every other week. Work out and feel comfortable with my body. Have fun and go out! I'm hoping that with these I'll meet some more people (i.e. boys) and become more social overall.

Okay I lied, there's a #3
I've decided that since my schedule is more flexible this semester I can try out a few more classes. I'm making yoga mandatory (since I have all the cool gear ;) ), and I'd like start a spin class and this other class called Rear in Gear.

Now that I've shown everyone that I spend my Friday nights blogging, I'll add the cherry on top and admit that it is officially past my bedtime. I love you both and hope you're having fun!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stupid Snow... and cold cold weather

I forgot how easy it is to not wanna run when its only 18 degrees outside... so I'm heading up to the school gym soon. I had such a wonderful time with everyone! It was a great break (I think the best for a long time)! The drive was long long long back up... and thank goodness I left when I did. Wednesday we got 3-ish inches of snow... sadly enough, I used that as a excuse not to work out. By the end of the night I was restless because I have more energy than I'm used to. Served me right. :)

I'm excited for my Aerobics class (that is mandatory monday and wednesday) I'm hoping the regular work out will get me back into a routine. And since this PE class isn't like basketball where I can slack off on days I don't want to do anything, hopefully I will keep true to myself! WOOHOO!

I love yall and miss you so much... :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Where are my workout buddies?!

I'm super proud, and excited, for both of y'all. I know you are doing great! I think a "once a week post" is a great idea. If can do more - do it. If not, no big deal.

Trying to do a bit more than maintain, my goal is five lbs this month too. Once that's done I just want to maintain - for now anyway. PS - Stef I saw pics from my law school graduation and you looked HOTT. I think that was about five to ten lbs ago - so, just an fyi - you CAN DO IT! But it takes diet and exercise...There's no magic formula; just dedication.

I went to the gym today, though you already know that because of our "speaker phone" convo. I've got to start staying a bit longer but after 45 mins - I'm done. I've only been doing 20 mins of cardio and I'm about to PUMP IT UP. I'm thinking about increasing it to just 30 mins everyday. Anyway. I'm off to do a bit of work and then hit the hay. I love y'all and miss y'all. Be safe in your travels!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

What a way to ring in the new year :) Having fun with my sisters at a creepy downtown bar that none of us really wanted to go to... that being said, we did have a blast together. Now that is is Day 2 of 2010 I thought I would check in and let everyone know that finals did not end up killing me. (It was a close call though.)
Because it's a new year, we're going to pretend that it's also a new start. Weighing in at a flabby 170 lbs the new (a better word would be repeated...) goal is 5 lbs by Jan 31st. I'll be checking in at least once a week (on Sundays) to let you know how much weight I've lost. The plan has already been set in motion with two days of running in a row followed by abs, push-ups, and stretching.
So here's to the new year and new goals that will lead to a new body ;)