Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am a pansy...and it has nothing to do with TriDelta

So I was so proud of myself today at 7 o'clock this morning. I was up and ready to go, ready to run 6 miles just like the running plan said. I get my ipod and I am out the door. And it is FREEZING. "Okay," I thought, "After I run a while I'll be warmed up, no biggie."

Well...after mile 2 my face hurt and I'm pretty sure I could no longer feel the snot running out of my nose and down my face. I don't know, maybe because it was frozen or something. Needless to say, I will try again this afternoon!

Love from the Big D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and this just became last priority really fast. Just an update: I've been running pretty regularly (4 days a week), but not far. Because it's either been ridiculously cold outside or raining, I've been on the treadmill, which doesn't even compare. I find it increasingly difficult to stay on when the big fat red "STOP" button is staring at me. I try covering it up but then it starts yelling at me, tempting me to push it. Anyways, I'm planning on hitting 10 miles this Sunday and I'm scared. I think I might go up to White Rock Lake because I don't think I can stand running a 1/2 mile circle 20 times (nor do I think I can keep count after the first 6!). Anyway, I love you both and can't wait to see you...just 2 1/2 weeks left!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Snow" more wine for Cam

(get it- i'm coming skiing and you got drunk and dropped the bottle on your toe...I laughed) I'm so ready to be in CO. The see Cam and ski!! Cameron, your posts have been pretty dang funny and your apt is looking pretty cute. I lol-ed at work when I saw your big toe... whoops. I'm about to pump out another hour and then I'm outta here! Bye-bye Z-team and Lufkin "stinkin" Texas...until Monday.

Today I looked at another house, but I think its a no-go. I just don't LOVE IT. And I want to LOVE IT.

That's all I got. Except for the fact that neither of you have responded to the fact that I signed up for the 1/ what's the status on that. Are you gonna make me run it with Keith?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That Time Again...

So lent starts today- I think I gained 4 lbs yesterday.

Matt and I are doing it together again, so that means giving up two things: Fast Food and Sweets :( (Just to clarify- Subway and Chipotle(for Matt's sake) are NOT fast food.) That means, I loaded up on sweets from fast food places yesterday. Why else would be it be called Fat Tuesday! :)

After much deliberation, we decided those were the best for us right now (I refused to give up coffee, coke or relationship perks). It's going to be a longggggggg 40 days.

Monday, February 15, 2010

There are actually THREE sisters? WOW

Sorry Rikki- had to give you a hard time. It seems like it's been forever.

As of right now- I'm fighting off a horrible cold and fighting through a rough time. I promise running will be back in it's normal spot after this week- and a trip to a spa. The back is just killing me still. Life is not fun right now, but it looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel come Friday night.

Since I don't have much to update, I can tell you about my oh so romantic Valentine's day that happened to be the most relaxing day of the weekend (even though I did homework almost all day.) Anyway, Matt and I are drinking at my place. I had a nice riesling, called Polkadot (the bottle is as cute as the name). I decided to grab a cheaper bottle earlier that day just incase I ran out ( I did have a glass of Polkadot the night before) and I wanted to stick with a white. So it comes to the end of the night, and I end up finishing polkadot so I go to open the other bottle. In my not so coherent, but not drunk yet state, I go to cut off the foil on the top and the bottle slips out of my hands, slides into my legs and all I can think about is SAVE THE WINE! (not like it was a wine worth saving) and the fact that I didn't want to clean up glass and liquid on the floor I just mopped early that day. I decide the best way to stop the fall is to put my foot underneath the bottle, which was incredibly painful. It started bruising right away, and I swore to Matt that I broke my toe. I ended up putting an icepack on it for the rest of the night... Good thing is my toe is not broken, only my pride.

Broken Toe (Look at the big toe.... it doesn't show up in the pics that well)

And b/c yall haven't see the house since I went on a decorating spree

(I have ivy with grapes and some wine glasses with a bottle up there if you can't tell) (Just to let you know, that is a message board on the back wall.)

Okay- I love yall mucho! Cant't wait till SB!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gonna have a "ball" this weekend!

I know I've been derelict in my blogging - sorry. I'm trying to work (and run) since I'm taking a day off to go to CO next week. Super excited about see you Cam! Sorry it's turned into a three ring goat rope - I don't know what else to say. But we are definitely go for Friday, come hell or high water or I just go by myself. Do you want to come to Frisco? Mr. I-will-take-over-the-trip-that-you -start-Gee said there are a lot of fun places to eat there... just a suggestion.

The posts here lately have really made me laugh out loud. I've read the last three over my morning coffee (before I pump out 6 hours of work) and I couldn't help but "ha ha". What a blessing to have sister like you two!

Today I'm going to run 8 miles with Mr. We-are-just-friends-Gee. Fine, whatever. And then tonight we are going to Lufkin Prom, together, I think. For those of you who don't know what "Lufkin Prom" is I will explain. It's actually Junior League Charity Ball. However, it's an excuse for people who are no longer old enough to go to prom to dress up and spend $250 per couple on what I hope to be a fan-freakin-tastic time. Though I have my reservations about tonight, I honestly do think it will be a "ball" - get it, Charity Ball. I know lame-0, but I couldn't resist.

Not only do I have a full Saturday, but Sunday Mom and Terre are coming into town to look at "my house". I'm hoping it meets Mom's approval. If it does...I'm gonna try to get the ball rolling and make an offer.

As always keep up the good work. Run harder and faster. And much love from Lufkin "stinkin" Texas.

PS - for those of you who read this and think that Lufkin "stinkin" Texas is a derogatory term - it's not. I actually think Lufkin is quite nice. Sometimes a bit inconvenient due to its remote location, but it's growing on me all the same. Think of the epithet as a term of endearment...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's only Tuesday????

1) I don't run when its below 40 degrees outside... I prefer the treadmill to watch FNC, or the Big Bang Theory (a must now).
2) I plan on running as a group. When mile 6 comes around my self discipline takes a nap-ergo my pain trumps my determination. I need support... by myside.
3) I swear if I have to go through the entire One Tree Hill season collection at my house again, they might go missing.... and whom ever is responsible for such an act may be smart enough to damage them beyond repair.
4) I'm so ready for the weekend. (Even though Matt and I have no clue whats going down Valentines day)

Much love from CO

Monday, February 8, 2010


Cam, I read this to Erika, but because I find myself so funny I feel the need to share. I facebooked messaged Keith:

Dear Mr. Gee,

I want to like you, I truly do. But the thing is, I've been hearing some terrible, horrible, no good, very bad things. A little birdie told me that you are enjoying this whole "running thing." Buying new shoes, timing runs...unacceptable. I hope you're not planning on making this a habit. I have a fabulous track record of 3 (thats right 3!) failed attempts at sister-half marathons, and you're making my all-time record of 4 very, very challenging. I hope you take this information into serious consideration before carrying on (and not ever tell Erika--she can be kind of scary).


Miss Keese

All jokes aside, I am really serious about this 1/2 marathon. But I want y'all to know, I cannot run a 9 minute mile. I can barely run a 10 minute mile. I don't expect you to run with me the entire time, but I'm not running 13 stupid miles all by myself. I'm begging you now, please don't leave me in the dust on the 14th.

My 8 Miles sucked more than Eminem's

I did it, just barely, but I did it. In an astounding 1:27:25...that's just under an 11 min mile for anyone who can't skip count out there. I thought about blogging immediately after but some very mean/hateful thoughts were running through my head because the endorphins hadn't kicked in yet. To be honest, I'm not sure they have even now, but I had fun with some girl friends yelling at the TV to try to get through the dumb girls on The Bachelor.

But more about the run I've titled "The Saga." (Look up the definition, you'll appreciate it.) I lucked into having some great roommates and one let me borrow a ear-wrap-thinging. At first I was freezing and I was mad at the cold, wind, and wet. But then I went numb -- I think it was around mile 4 or 5, I can't remember. I could feel the sweat soaking through the long-sleeved t-shirt to the sweatshirt. The only thing that was cold now was my face and the frozen snot I kept scraping off. (Yes, that detail was necessary.) No other runners dared to come out today; only annoying people with little yappy dogs that refused to get their feet wet. Hello?! The entire city of Dallas is wet. Back to my run, I finally make it to 7.5 and start the 1/2 mile back to my apt. When I reach the gate, I realize my entire body hates me. I desperately make it up the stairs and I notice Cass down below walking the dog (we're dog sitting for Chelsey). She asks me how the run was, and I breath out "I didn't die," and I see this thick cloud come out of my mouth. I had no freaking clue it was that cold. In fact, I can't feel a thing. I go inside to hop...okay waddle, into the shower and peel away my sweaty clothes. My legs are bright red and my skin is ice cold. The End.

I know, great story. But my point is, I have no clue how you do it Cam. It was around 35, 40 degrees. Not even almost CO cold...I guess you and Matt shouldn't worry about buying me that place in Pagosa Springs anymore. Anyways, still not really liking school. I've done pretty well on one test and not so hot on another; one more to go at the end of the week. I really appreciate all of y'all's support. Couldn't have made it tonight without you.

Love from the big D,

Yay for crappy Mondays...

I started off the week/day by bombing a test I was ready for. I freak out when it comes to tests, plus it was a 100m dash when I was running at a marathon pace... Not a great way to start the week.

However, it is snowing, so that means no lacrosse practice and we are having career fair in our gym which means no IM bball tonight. So it means tonight I will get a very long run. I'm so excited. Plus since it's snowing Matt and I are having chili and cornbread. (yummy!)

As always, when it rains, it pours. I have more than I can handle the next couple of weeks. I hope to make it through and I will still be running. Much love from 303.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Yesterday I ran 4 miles and then walked for another 1 1/2 (I had to finish watching Grey's on the treadmill). It was amazing except for the 7 min commercial times that were all about food or insurance. I never realized how long commercials were until I had to run during them.

Lacrosse is still going great. My girls team is stacked. I might start working out on Wednesdays outside of the bball game and practice. We smoked girls 58 to 21 and we started slowing it down so much we had to stop fast breaks the 1st quarter, stop rebounding hard, and pretty much jog up and down the court. We have to be careful because we have a "sportsmanship rating" ranging from 1 (lowest) to 3. If you run up the score you get a one, but to get to the playoffs you have to have atleast a 2 for an average rating. Gay huh? Oh well.

School sucks, but I'm almost done with this instate thing. So after that it might look a little brighter. I love yall and happy friday!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's too cold to be hell

1) I have to go to the doc about my back- I'm popping Ibprofen (yes, I know thats not right, but you know what I mean). I've been in pain for 3 days. I'm thinking it might be pussy syndrome and I'm not use to extensive back workout (like in lacrosse). But the pain is getting worse so I figured they might can give me some better meds
2) I am drowning in school. I have a test on Monday, I have labs reports to write about stuff I don't understand and the prof doesn't know how to explain things differently, and the work just never seems to stop. I took super bowl sunday off from the ON so maybe I can catch up this weekend.
3) I am so tired of this whole instate shit- it makes me hate my college more and it adds a whole lot more on top of school. But this takes priority because it has a dead line and is a one time shot for this semester. Hopefully in 2 weeks everything will be resolved.
4) I'm behind on my running, but my weight goal for the month has been reached. I am getting back to my old shape which makes me happy but I need to get more miles in. @ 4 miles I'm still at a 9 to 9:30 mile pace so I think I'm still on the right track.

We're expecting more snow, and I swear if I have to run 80 laps inside I might die! Much love, but not happiness, from CO!

Monday, February 1, 2010

There's nothing that a glass of wine can't fix

I did it. I ran 6 miles today. I'm pretty sure I died.

Now that that's over. I'm pretty sure I'm certifiably crazy. While I was running my fifty-billion laps around my little park I made some very interesting friends. Okay, it's not like i actually talked to them, but I had plenty of conversations in my head. First, there was Sprinter guy. He was kind of a douche bag. He was run half a lap and pass me, thinking he was a bad ass and then puss out and start walking. I'm pretty sure I'm significantly superior. Then there was Weirdo-Toe-Shoe-Hippie. I think he ran maybe a mile (pansy), and he had these shoes that have toes on them and this odd beard that just didn't make sense. There was also "That Couple." Taking their little evening stroll, forgetting that there are other people that were running around. Lastly, as I was trying not to give up on the 3.5-4th mile and Old Lady with Two Yappy Dogs, who doesn't know how to control a combined 6 lbs, decides to take a 10 mile berth just to make me that much more irritated. It's not like 6 miles doesn't do that all on their own. So after I realized what I had been thinking for the past 50 minutes, I began to wonder if it's a good idea to run by myself...

But there is something good that came out of today. I hit a small milestone: I had a girls night and went to a new friend's (not one from the park) apt and watched the Bachelor (stop judging). I thing that, gasp, I might have made some friends. I've also started sitting by some different people during class and have been having a really good time with them. I'm feeling slightly less awkward every day.

I'm sorry everyone's day was just fine. I'm thinking that is definitely the consensus. I hope lax practice is going well, I'm sure you're a natural. And prom huh? I'm intrigued. Are you taking a partner's son?? Okay, that was low, I'm sorry. Oh, and just so you both know, I've officially decided that I don't want to do OB and I'm beginning to grow more and more terrified of being on the L&D rotation this coming Saturday.

All my love,

P.S. I'll let you know how sore I am when it sets in.

ONLY 3 miles...

I just ran three miles today...It felt good. I ran about a 9 min mile pace.

Hope everyone had a great Monday. Mine was just fine. Worked and ran. I'm trying to clock in tons of hours at work. I really fell short this past month - so now I feel I have to prove myself. Set up a drink date tomorrow with a girlfriend and decided that I'm not gonna do a dang thing about Keith but sit on my ass...if he doesn't like me, fine. What am I gonna do about it? What can I do about it?

So there ya go. My life update in a nutshell (except the fact that we are still going to CO and now we are going to Lufkin prom...don't ask).

PS - enjoy school while you are there. Work and money is nice but the bills and responsibility can be overwhelming at times.

Much love from Lufkin.

Running situation for me

I'm not running today b/c Lax practice + bball game is good enough for me.

With that being said... I will run 5 miles tomorrow.

I hate school.... (okay... so not running but still needed to be said...)