Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's too cold to be hell

1) I have to go to the doc about my back- I'm popping Ibprofen (yes, I know thats not right, but you know what I mean). I've been in pain for 3 days. I'm thinking it might be pussy syndrome and I'm not use to extensive back workout (like in lacrosse). But the pain is getting worse so I figured they might can give me some better meds
2) I am drowning in school. I have a test on Monday, I have labs reports to write about stuff I don't understand and the prof doesn't know how to explain things differently, and the work just never seems to stop. I took super bowl sunday off from the ON so maybe I can catch up this weekend.
3) I am so tired of this whole instate shit- it makes me hate my college more and it adds a whole lot more on top of school. But this takes priority because it has a dead line and is a one time shot for this semester. Hopefully in 2 weeks everything will be resolved.
4) I'm behind on my running, but my weight goal for the month has been reached. I am getting back to my old shape which makes me happy but I need to get more miles in. @ 4 miles I'm still at a 9 to 9:30 mile pace so I think I'm still on the right track.

We're expecting more snow, and I swear if I have to run 80 laps inside I might die! Much love, but not happiness, from CO!

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