Monday, February 15, 2010

There are actually THREE sisters? WOW

Sorry Rikki- had to give you a hard time. It seems like it's been forever.

As of right now- I'm fighting off a horrible cold and fighting through a rough time. I promise running will be back in it's normal spot after this week- and a trip to a spa. The back is just killing me still. Life is not fun right now, but it looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel come Friday night.

Since I don't have much to update, I can tell you about my oh so romantic Valentine's day that happened to be the most relaxing day of the weekend (even though I did homework almost all day.) Anyway, Matt and I are drinking at my place. I had a nice riesling, called Polkadot (the bottle is as cute as the name). I decided to grab a cheaper bottle earlier that day just incase I ran out ( I did have a glass of Polkadot the night before) and I wanted to stick with a white. So it comes to the end of the night, and I end up finishing polkadot so I go to open the other bottle. In my not so coherent, but not drunk yet state, I go to cut off the foil on the top and the bottle slips out of my hands, slides into my legs and all I can think about is SAVE THE WINE! (not like it was a wine worth saving) and the fact that I didn't want to clean up glass and liquid on the floor I just mopped early that day. I decide the best way to stop the fall is to put my foot underneath the bottle, which was incredibly painful. It started bruising right away, and I swore to Matt that I broke my toe. I ended up putting an icepack on it for the rest of the night... Good thing is my toe is not broken, only my pride.

Broken Toe (Look at the big toe.... it doesn't show up in the pics that well)

And b/c yall haven't see the house since I went on a decorating spree

(I have ivy with grapes and some wine glasses with a bottle up there if you can't tell) (Just to let you know, that is a message board on the back wall.)

Okay- I love yall mucho! Cant't wait till SB!

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