Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

Cam, I know you hate the snow, but at least it's characteristic of CO. This below freezing weather is not my friend right now. Thank goodness for indoor heating and treadmills! Anywho...
Two updates:
1) I've made a kitchen overhall. Fruits, veggies, bran cereal (I'll eat it like dessert if it's the only sweet thing I have), oatmeal, eggs, chicken, tuna, and beans. I've allowed myself 3 snacky/desserty type foods: 100 cal popcorn, vanilla light/fit yogurt, chocolate syrup (which i put with part skim ricotta cheese and try hardest to pretend it's ice cream when I put frozen raspberries in it!) And I have outlawed certain foods: peanut butter, ice cream, cookies/cookie dough, chips....We'll see how this pans out.
2) I've finally decided on resolutions for this year: Go to church at least every other week. Work out and feel comfortable with my body. Have fun and go out! I'm hoping that with these I'll meet some more people (i.e. boys) and become more social overall.

Okay I lied, there's a #3
I've decided that since my schedule is more flexible this semester I can try out a few more classes. I'm making yoga mandatory (since I have all the cool gear ;) ), and I'd like start a spin class and this other class called Rear in Gear.

Now that I've shown everyone that I spend my Friday nights blogging, I'll add the cherry on top and admit that it is officially past my bedtime. I love you both and hope you're having fun!

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